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How We Started

Hey there! My name is Emily, and I am the Executive Director and CEO of Adoptable, and I'm so glad you stopped by!


To tell you a little about how Adoptable came to be, I'll give you a brief backstory on my family's adoption journey. My husband and I were married back in January of 2015, and by late 2017, we were ready to start a family! Little did we know that our hope for a child would take two more years, and a whole lot of tears and prayers. After undergoing four rounds of fertility treatments in 2018, we were told that we had what is referred to as "unexplained infertility." There was no medical reason as to why we couldn't conceive a child.


We were both mentally and emotionally exhausted and my body was physically exhausted from trying to get pregnant. With that, we chose to turn to our faith in Jesus Christ and to let his will be done in our lives. In February of 2019, God opened doors and a baby girl joined our family.


Before my daughter Ellie came along, I always knew I wanted to adopt, but the thought of trying to raise upwards of $40,000 for an adoption is a daunting thought. With over 17 MILLION orphans in the world today, it is more imperative than ever that we start talking about adoption and helping families reach that goal of making their family a child's forever home. There are families out there that want to adopt, but are held back because of the financial requirements. That is why I created Adoptable. Our main goal is to assist families in fundraising and event planning, in order to help lighten the financial load of adoption.


Although the journey to start Adoptable began by God placing the idea in my heart, I could not have made the leap of faith to follow His calling without the help of my family and my amazing team members! 


When I tell you God opens doors when you ask Him, I mean it! Once I had a vision for what I wanted to do with Adoptable, the Lord sent me several people (many of whom I had never met in person before) who felt a similar calling to help spread the hope of adoption and to reach others through a non-profit. Click the link below to meet the rest of the team!


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